chicken farming

Stress in broilers may diminish profits

The term “stress” is commonly used to describe the detrimental effects of a variety of situations on the health and performance of broilers. It is also defined as a set of responses ...

3 Feb 2023 · 4 min read

De Haasenjagt Boerdery: Chicken farming done right

When a chicken farm sells all the eggs their 1 600 chickens lay per day within 24 hours, it is proof that they are doing something right. Reyno Colyn and Belinda Hattingh farm with chick...

8 Dec 2022 · 7 min read

Poultry farming part 7: Record keeping

No business can survive without proper record-keeping. The sys­tem need not be complicated, but as a poultry farmer you must note down important information, such as the feed consumptio...

31 Oct 2022 · 5 min read

Poultry farming Part 6.1: Poultry health

Chickens get sick very easily. Disease can kill your whole flock overnight, so it is important to make sure that you do everything you can to keep them healthy. The two most significa...

27 Sep 2022 · 12 min read

Chicken farming: Build your own broiler house

The present-day South African farming industry is striving for lower investment capital, in order to show bigger profits. Planners and designers in this industry are forced to develop me...

13 May 2022 · 6 min read
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