
F&R Farming wins with Agrico: LEPA irrigation costs less and performs better

A feast for the eye are the lush green crops beside the main road to the North. One of the farms that provides this sight for travellers is F&R Farming of Frans and Reint Dykema. The...

7 Feb 2023 · 4 min read

AGRICO Micro-irrigation that makes sense

A good farmer does not randomly decide what he wants to farm with and how he wants to go about it. No, he investigates the most profitable practice and crop that grows in his area, as we...

9 Jan 2023 · 5 min read

Agrico is the irrigation leader of the 21st century

What is the secret to more than 120 years of service? According to Johan Visser, drip- and micro-irrigation expert at Agrico, constant innovation and progress are fundamental to succe...

13 Oct 2022 · 5 min read

Dream sustainably with Agrico

“Our dream was to get water to Groenvlei farm, located 5 km from the nearest water source,” says WG Treurnicht, who grows wine grapes just outside Porterville, at the foot of the Oli...

16 Aug 2022 · 5 min read

Agrico turns water into profit

One golden key unlocks the door to success in any farming operation. Whether a farmer grows crops or keeps animals, he wants to attain the highest income at the lowest cost. This cannot ...

27 Jun 2022 · 4 min read

The grass is greener where Agrico works

Soil tillage on Rustgevonden will never be the same again since Agrico implements made their appearance on the farm. Thys Delport is a Free State farmer in the Ventersburg district on...

27 Jun 2022 · 4 min read

NAMPO 2022 — Agrico’s G4 centre pivot is theftproof

By redesigning the pivot, Agrico can now deliver a structure that requires fewer towers in the field and a thinner driveline — giving you more peace of mind and more profit. To get ...

1 Jun 2022 · < 1 min read

Agrico makes every drop count

In a desert country where water is scarce, a farmer cannot afford to waste even a drop. On the farm Hartebeesloop at Stampriet in Namibia, measuring every drop drawn from the aquifer dee...

27 May 2022 · 5 min read
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